Funny and Stupid Interview Questions That Confuse Candidates

The most stupid interview questions ever.

New video about the most stupid interview questions that are asked. A selection of some of the most stupid and bizarre interview questions that have apparently genuinely been asked to candidates.

Job interviews are already a nightmare for introverts, but throw in some ridiculous questions, and they become downright unbearable! In this funny cartoon, Sam (Socially Awkward Misfit) takes on the dumbest real-life interview questions ever asked—like “If you were a fruit, what would you be?” Unless you’re auditioning for the part of Bananaman, I’m not sure how that’s relevant.


It’s similar to the question “If you were an animals, what would you be?” I guess answering “cat because I like sleeping and being by myself” probably isn’t the answer they are looking for.

“Sloth” is probably not what they are looking for either. But what could possibly be the right answer to this?

This is one that has been asked to Sam. See how he deals with it in this interview scenario:

Here’s another one: “Sing a song that best describes you.”

I mean, what is this, an interview, or an audition for X Factor?

Talk about putting someone under pressure. And speaking of pressure…

job interview meme comic joke
Under pressure in a job interview

For more absolutely stupid questions check out the video above, including a particularly stupid one at the end.

I hate the corny corporate gobbledygook that you apparently need to come out with in interviews, and they have long been a source of material for me to skewer in my comics…

Interview questions comics

Here are some more comics where Sam is struggling in job interviews…

introvert in interview funny meme
what are the benefits?
cv gaps meme funny
CV Gaps
introvert interview meme comic
What are your weaknesses?

Here’s some more interview comics

Also, here’s another funny video where Sam is awkwardly struggling in an interview:

Plus here are more introvert cartoons:

Hate talking on the phone

Hate talking on the phone – Funny Cartoon About Avoiding Calls.

Hate talking on the phone? You’re not alone. If you hate phone calls and would rather communicate by text messages, there’s a good chance you are an introvert like Sam.

In this funny cartoon (above) Sam (Socially Awkward Misfit) highlights the struggles of using a phone and how as an introvert, he hates making and receiving calls.

From dodging calls with caller ID magic to running outside for a signal just to get a verification code, this video perfectly captures the awkward reality of introverts vs phones. Whether it’s prepping a script before calling or regretting the moment you texted “I’m free,” every introvert will relate!

Also here’s some introverted comics related to phone calls:

Introvert vs phone – issues introverted people face with phones.

Introverts hate talking on the phone

For the modern introvert, few phrases induce sheer existential dread quite like: “Just give me a call.” Ah, the phone — that handheld anxiety device designed to summon awkward silences, misheard words, and the terrifying prospect of… small talk.

Texting? A gift from the gods. Emails? Poetry. But phone calls? That’s where the panic sets in. And, as a result, every introvert knows the delicate ritual: pacing the room three times, rehearsing opening lines like they’re auditioning for Hamlet, and double-checking if the call is truly necessary. Spoiler alert: it almost never is.

Hyping yourself up to make a call.

Don’t like getting calls

Receiving a call is worse. Nothing shatters the peace of an introvert’s carefully curated solitude like the phone ringing. That shrill sound turns the device into a ticking bomb. Staring at it, frozen, we wonder, “Who would dare? Why aren’t they texting? Is someone dying?”

Needless to say, a call from an unknown number is a no-go.

hate talking on the phone
Unknown number: introvert getting a phone call

And let’s talk about voicemail — that ancient relic introverts fear more than the call itself. Listening to one is a soul-draining experience, for example: “Hi, just me, wondering if you got my message… call me back.” No, I will not. I shall now spend three days crafting a perfectly vague text response instead.

introvert phone call meme
Introverts hate phone calls

Even worse, the dreaded video call. For introverts, the phrase “Can you turn your camera on?” feels like being asked to perform stand-up comedy with no prep. As a result, they’ll smile awkwardly, wave like malfunctioning robots, and pray their Wi-Fi glitches out before anyone asks how their weekend was.

In the end, introverts survive. We adapt. We conquer — mostly by inventing excuses, faking bad signals, and advocating strongly for “circling back over email.” Because if there’s one universal truth: introverts can be social… as long as it doesn’t involve answering the phone.

In conclusion, call don’t text.

Hate talking on the phone, by Socially Awkward Misfit.

#Introvert #FunnyCartoon #PhoneAnxiety #socialanxiety #introverthumor

The Old Internet

A nostalgic look back to the internet of old, including the days of dial up and the screeching phone line sounds, MSN and Yahoo Messenger, and Tom from Myspace. Also, remember the Facebook poke? I still have no idea what that was for.

Socially Awkward Christmas

Socially Awkward Misfit Christmas video.

Welcome to my Christmas special. And like my Halloween special, it’s not too special, but it is about Christmas.

‘Tis the season to be jolly and all that, but for those of us on the introverted or socially anxious side, Christmas isn’t always the most enjoyable experience. The socialising aspect can be troublesome for the socially awkward amongst us.