My latest book is now available in my shop!

The comic about an introverted, anxious, awkward misfit.
My latest book is now available in my shop!
Prints still available in my shop:
You can help cheer Sam up by buying one of his books now with a special Black Friday discount:…/books/
The sale on my books will end soon, last chance to get one here:
Since the success of my Kickstarter a few people have asked me if they could have a pop art style painting of Sam. So here’s another chance to get a painting of Sam with the quote “Asking an introvert to open up is as rude as asking an extrovert to shut up”. Available in my shop here:
My new book Anxiety is available in my shop here
My Kickstarter for my new book is now live!
SAM is now on Webtoons:
See more comics like this here: